Monday, February 13, 2012

Professional Development Plan & Technology Action Plan

Professional Development for Technology Integration – Target Key Area 1 – Teaching and Learning

Title: Teaching and Learning with Technology

Objective: Teachers will work in learning cohorts to develop student-centered projects that require the use of shared technology, collaboration, and creativity using technology tools and programs readily available to all teachers and students in the district.

Rationale: Based on the most recent Star Chart summary our campus is still at the Developing Tech level for Teaching and Learning.  This combined with data related to student achievement in problem solving and reasoning skills (TAKS Objective 6 strands, local benchmarks) indicates a need for a new option for leading students to become better problem solvers and to proficiently use technology for this skill.  A focus will be how to decide when and how to integrate certain technology to have the greatest impact on student learning.

Professional Development – Data Analysis

Title – Data – Friend or Foe

Objective: provide teachers with a primer for using the various data sources available to them within the district.  These will include AEIS data, Eduphoria, MClass, AIMSweb, and

Rationale: As new sources of data are available to teachers for informed instructional planning, time and opportunity are not given for learning and mastering how to use the data. 
Focus will include decision making based on the data.

Technology Action Planning
Goal 1: To identify areas for improvement in technology integration.
Goal 2:  Develop professional development for teachers targeting their unique needs and interests.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Needs Assessment using STaR Chart, AEIS, and CIP data.

Campus principal, Instructional Technologists, Campus CTI, and CPAC (SBDMC)
Feb. 2012-May 2012
STaR chart data printouts, AEIS reports, and CIP.
Teachers become aware of areas in need of improvement and actively work to strengthen them.
Identify Areas in need of improvement.

CPAC committee with help from CTI and District Technology Instructor.
May 2012
Data, most up-to-date CIP, and time for committee to meet. (consider offering work-off hours if financial compensation is not possible)
Areas that are weak will be evaluated in terms of how PD will  be developed to address them.
Develop PD that gives teacher choice with a menu that would require at least one area where that person is in need but free choice for at least 2 other areas

CPAC, principal, and Instructional Technologist, District Staff Development Coordinator
May 2012
Time, people, and data from needs assessment for determining required training for individual teachers, facilities for instruction
After each teacher is assigned required sessions, based on capacity in other sessions they can also choose 1 or 2 additional sessions.  This PD will be at the beginning of the new school year.
Develop the professional development plan.

CTi, Instructional Technologist, and District Staff Development Coordinator
June 2012
Time, people, and list of types of educational technology available.
Create a draft of the plan for two days of professional development to be given at beginning of new school year outlined the different sessions to be offered.
Present draft to the campus administration and CPAC for approval.

Campus CTI
June 2012
Time, people
Principal and Assistant Principal along with the CPAC review the plan and approve it or request revisions.
Finalize curriculum, facility reservations, instructors, and send out registration to teachers
CTI and his committee, Instructional Technologists, Staff Development Coordinator
August 2012
Time, people, technology resources to be used.
All technology to be used in the presentations is checked to assure it is properly working. Adjustments will be made as necessary.  All instructors have lesson plans and resources needed.
Deliver Professional development
Technology Instructors, professional development presenters, and all campus teachers.
August 2012
Laptop computers, Smart Boards, MIMEOs, Computer labs, time, and people, Data projectors, document cameras, access to internet and intranet.
Teachers attend sessions based on both their needs and their interests.   
Evaluation of program.
Staff Development Coordinator
August 2012
Computers, time, manpower.
Online Eduphoria surveys must be completed before credit is given for PD.
Technology committee (now composed of an Instructional technologist, a campus administrator campus CTI, and 2 – 4 regular classroom teachers)
August2012-September 2012
STaR Chart data taken after training sessions; surveys from Eduphoria
Did the teachers feel the technology presented would be useful in their classrooms? Do they feel confident implementing the technologies introduced? Where do they feel they need more training?
Data Presentation
Technology committee
September 2012
Teacher survey data from Eduphoria
This data will be used to determine future professional development activities to be given throughout the year and in PLCs.
I attended the first web conference offered  for this class - 5352 Leadership with Technology Emphasis on January 21st.  I have participated in conferences in previous courses as well.  I find the benefit to be as a means for clarifying assignments, answer questions regarding discussion posts, or other directions associated with the course.  I appreciate being able to put a face with a name as well.  Many times I gain insight and answered for related topics such as the LCE, the ILD, and graduation.  Although I have not participated actively in every conference, I have very often review the recordings to be sure that I know what I need to know!

Web Conference

I attended the first web conference offered  for this class - 5352 Leadership with Technology Emphasis on January 21st.  I have participated in conferences in previous courses as well.  I find the benefit to be as a means for clarifying assignments, answer questions regarding discussion posts, or other directions associated with the course.  I appreciate being able to put a face with a name as well.  Many times I gain insight and answers for related topics such as the LCE, the ILD, and graduation.  Although I have not participated actively in every conference, I have very often review the recordings to be sure that I know what I need to know!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020: Educator Preparation and Development

Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020: Educator Preparation and Development

Ongoing, sustained, high-quality professional development is essential for students to meet the demand of the 21st century in the way of increased student engagement and learning. Technology will be the major gateway for students to achieve 21st century success. The Area of Educator Preparation from the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 addresses that need. Of the 4 areas, this one has the potential to impact all the others in a positive way. Quality professional development that is learner centered is essential. By the end of the 2010 school year only 3.7% of teachers rated themselves as Early Tech for this area. 68.7% rated themselves as Developing Tech; a 2.4% decrease which reflects an increase in those rating themselves Advanced. Advanced Tech ratings came in at 26.8% - a 3% increase and 0.7% rated themselves at Target Tech. My campus lags behind the state averages will an overall rating of Developing Tech. During the year 2008 – 2009 my campus did rate themselves as Advanced Tech. The change can most likely be attributed to personel changes from that year to the most recent data year. The trend seems to indicate a short term stagnation at this level. I see this as a result of teachers becoming very comfortable with the technology they know and use and a decline in urgency to move to the next level. Improvements in the area would result from a renewed push in the PD department, but this time with more focus on learner-centered technology integration rather than teacher proficiency (Burns, 2002). This district has made major advances in bringing all campuses up the the same level in regard to infrastructure, so now it’s time to begin integrating that great technology and equipment in our classes.

Burns, M. (2002). From compliance to commitment: technology as a catalyst for communities of Learning. Phi Delta Kappan. December, 2002. pp 295-302.